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Deutsche Bahn AG, Niemcy

Deutsche Bahn AG, Niemcy

– Passenger Information System –

Use in suburban, regional and long-distance traffic

19 central control systems in 13 federal states

Control of approx. 700 stations with more than 3000 terminals

Realization since 1985, ongoing expansion

S-Bahn Berlin, Niemcy

S-Bahn Berlin, Niemcy

– Passenger Information System –

Operation in Berlin/Brandenburg: 331 kilometers of route network with 166 stations

Over 600 LCD displays and monitors (preliminary displays), over 300 draft sensors, 20 operating PCs for log inspections and Info Manager

RailCorp, Australia

RailCorp, Australia

– Single-mode train radio –

Supply of GSM-R cab radios based on the MESA®26 series, adapted to Australian train technology

685 terminals

Realisation period 2010 to 2015

Österreichische Bundesbahn (ÖBB), Austria

Österreichische Bundesbahn (ÖBB), Austria

– various dual-mode train radio systems –

Supply of MESA 26® and MESA®23 dual-mode train radio equipment, supply of MESA®23 dual-mode systems

322 cab radios, 424 MMIs; equipment of 595 vehicles

Realisation period 2004 to 2016

Schweizer Bundesbahnen (SBB), Szwajcaria

Schweizer Bundesbahnen (SBB), Szwajcaria

– Train radio system –

Development and delivery of a new generation of train radio systems (GSM-R CAB-Radio MESA®25-01) based on the MESA® series

1,500 terminals, 2,000 MMIs

Realisation period 2004 to 2010

CargoNet i NSB AS, Norwegia

CargoNet i NSB AS, Norwegia

– Train radio systems –

Delivery of GSM-R cab radios according to NSB requirements, delivery of the MESA®23 train radio system in the MTRS 1 BS design (CargoNet)

400 terminals MESA®25-2 + MMI25-2, 143 terminals MESA®23 MTRS 1 BS

Realisation period 2005 to 2008

Elektrownia Atomowa Unterweser, Niemcy

Elektrownia Atomowa Unterweser, Niemcy

– Video system –

Use of fixed and SNK cameras, network technology, monitoring system

Complete control and monitoring of the video system by video management system

Realization since 2011, ongoing expansion

VAG Norymberga, Niemcy

VAG Norymberga, Niemcy

– Video system –

Driverless subway Nuremberg

Central station monitoring, platform track monitoring, passenger area monitoring, central service control centre

Realization since 2008, ongoing expansion

Elektrownia Oskarsham, Szwecja

Elektrownia Oskarsham, Szwecja

– Video system –

over 200 Fix and SNK cameras, two monitor walls

all processes registered by the cameras are redundantly recorded and analysed by the video system

Implementation period 2011, further expansion is planned

Shenzhen, Chińska Republika Ludowa

Shenzhen, Chińska Republika Ludowa

– Video surveillance system –

People’s Republic of China, Shenzhen

more than 500 cameras at security locations in the Shenzhen City Special Economic Zone

Equipment for city and authorities

Realization since 2004, further projects planned

NS Reizigers, Holandia

NS Reizigers, Holandia

– Train radio system –

Digital train radio systems of the type CRC26-N

Filter against radio technical influences from public radio networks

1,500 terminals (single/dual mode)

Realisation period 2015 to 2016

SNCB, Belgia

SNCB, Belgia

– Dual-mode train radio system –

Supply of a dual-mode train radio system (GSM-R and analogue train radio) in which all French and Belgian analogue features are implemented

2,100 terminals, 3,500 MMIs

Realization period 2003 – 2009

TMR SA, Szwajcaria

TMR SA, Szwajcaria

– Passenger Information System –

Equipment of the entire TMR network

20 stations, 16 displays, 72 trains per day

Presentation of information to third-party advertisers using web-based formats

Implementation since 2014

GEIE-TMB, Francja/Włochy

GEIE-TMB, Francja/Włochy

– Video surveillance system –

Site in the Mont Blanc Tunnel

over 200 high-resolution cameras

Special housing made of highly resistant steel alloy with fans

Realization since 2002, expansion since 2010

China Railway, Chiny

China Railway, Chiny

– China Radio Data System –

specified for Chinese Train Radio Control System

CTCS data mode “RIU-ETCS” for the equipment of high-speed trains

Order volume of 2000 units

Implementation since 2010


Wyciąg z naszych referencji

Na tej stronie możesz zobaczyć wszystkie wkłady z sekcji “Referencje” w skrócie.

Deutsche Bahn AG, Niemcy

Deutsche Bahn AG, Niemcy

– Passenger Information System –

Use in suburban, regional and long-distance traffic

19 central control systems in 13 federal states

Control of approx. 700 stations with more than 3000 terminals

Realization since 1985, ongoing expansion

S-Bahn Berlin, Niemcy

S-Bahn Berlin, Niemcy

– Passenger Information System –

Operation in Berlin/Brandenburg: 331 kilometers of route network with 166 stations

Over 600 LCD displays and monitors (preliminary displays), over 300 draft sensors, 20 operating PCs for log inspections and Info Manager

RailCorp, Australia

RailCorp, Australia

– Single-mode train radio –

Supply of GSM-R cab radios based on the MESA®26 series, adapted to Australian train technology

685 terminals

Realisation period 2010 to 2015

Österreichische Bundesbahn (ÖBB), Austria

Österreichische Bundesbahn (ÖBB), Austria

– various dual-mode train radio systems –

Supply of MESA 26® and MESA®23 dual-mode train radio equipment, supply of MESA®23 dual-mode systems

322 cab radios, 424 MMIs; equipment of 595 vehicles

Realisation period 2004 to 2016

Schweizer Bundesbahnen (SBB), Szwajcaria

Schweizer Bundesbahnen (SBB), Szwajcaria

– Train radio system –

Development and delivery of a new generation of train radio systems (GSM-R CAB-Radio MESA®25-01) based on the MESA® series

1,500 terminals, 2,000 MMIs

Realisation period 2004 to 2010

CargoNet i NSB AS, Norwegia

CargoNet i NSB AS, Norwegia

– Train radio systems –

Delivery of GSM-R cab radios according to NSB requirements, delivery of the MESA®23 train radio system in the MTRS 1 BS design (CargoNet)

400 terminals MESA®25-2 + MMI25-2, 143 terminals MESA®23 MTRS 1 BS

Realisation period 2005 to 2008

Elektrownia Atomowa Unterweser, Niemcy

Elektrownia Atomowa Unterweser, Niemcy

– Video system –

Use of fixed and SNK cameras, network technology, monitoring system

Complete control and monitoring of the video system by video management system

Realization since 2011, ongoing expansion

VAG Norymberga, Niemcy

VAG Norymberga, Niemcy

– Video system –

Driverless subway Nuremberg

Central station monitoring, platform track monitoring, passenger area monitoring, central service control centre

Realization since 2008, ongoing expansion

Elektrownia Oskarsham, Szwecja

Elektrownia Oskarsham, Szwecja

– Video system –

over 200 Fix and SNK cameras, two monitor walls

all processes registered by the cameras are redundantly recorded and analysed by the video system

Implementation period 2011, further expansion is planned

Shenzhen, Chińska Republika Ludowa

Shenzhen, Chińska Republika Ludowa

– Video surveillance system –

People’s Republic of China, Shenzhen

more than 500 cameras at security locations in the Shenzhen City Special Economic Zone

Equipment for city and authorities

Realization since 2004, further projects planned

NS Reizigers, Holandia

NS Reizigers, Holandia

– Train radio system –

Digital train radio systems of the type CRC26-N

Filter against radio technical influences from public radio networks

1,500 terminals (single/dual mode)

Realisation period 2015 to 2016

SNCB, Belgia

SNCB, Belgia

– Dual-mode train radio system –

Supply of a dual-mode train radio system (GSM-R and analogue train radio) in which all French and Belgian analogue features are implemented

2,100 terminals, 3,500 MMIs

Realization period 2003 – 2009

TMR SA, Szwajcaria

TMR SA, Szwajcaria

– Passenger Information System –

Equipment of the entire TMR network

20 stations, 16 displays, 72 trains per day

Presentation of information to third-party advertisers using web-based formats

Implementation since 2014

GEIE-TMB, Francja/Włochy

GEIE-TMB, Francja/Włochy

– Video surveillance system –

Site in the Mont Blanc Tunnel

over 200 high-resolution cameras

Special housing made of highly resistant steel alloy with fans

Realization since 2002, expansion since 2010

China Railway, Chiny

China Railway, Chiny

– China Radio Data System –

specified for Chinese Train Radio Control System

CTCS data mode “RIU-ETCS” for the equipment of high-speed trains

Order volume of 2000 units

Implementation since 2010